Our Approach
Good Nutrition Ideas is founded on participatory research and development practices that involve people, organizations, and systems intended to benefit from our work. GNI has a Consumer Advisory Board of adults with lived disability experience and a group of diverse nutrition expert advisors. To develop our products, we work with people who identify as racially and ethnically diverse, LGBTQAI+, older adults, people with disabilities, and both formal and informal care providers. We work with community members to collect input and feedback on our products and resources at each step of the way to ensure that our end products include people’s perspectives and needs, are accessible, and universally designed.
Current Projects
- My Meals My Way app
GNI’s My Meals My Way app was built using what we have learned through our research of MENU-AIDDs© and other nutrition programs over the past decade. We’ve learned that healthy living is fueled by individually tailored, trusted, fun, and healthy meal plans that are easy to access and fit into your daily life.
Research shows that the biggest health challenges we experience have their roots in nutrition. Adults who eat a healthy diet live longer and can lower their risk of these conditions:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- High blood pressure
- High blood cholesterol and other lipids
- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- Certain cancers
These health issues are more common among older adults and people with disabilities, making access to healthy meal planning crucial to living independently and aging in place.
The good news:
- These conditions can be prevented and managed, to a large degree, by eating a healthy diet.
- Healthy food does not have to taste bad! Most of the foods that we love can fit into a personally tailored healthy eating plan.
The even better news:
- GNI’s meal planning programs are proven effective for people with a wide variety of nutrition and health needs. This happened through a series of scientific studies sponsored by:

Sound good to you? We love new voices in our research projects! If you would like to participate in our product development, either as a consumer reviewer or as an organizational partner, please contact us.