Good Nutrition Ideas (GNI) is co-owned by Drs. Kathleen Humphries (nutrition) and Bethany Rigles (sociology of health). We create flexible nutrition products, empowering healthy choices that fit with your lifestyle.
Our science-backed approach to improve health and well-being uses a forward thinking design that customizes meal planning and organizing for your diverse and complex dietary needs and values.
As long time experts providing nutrition programming for people with disabilities, we’ve expanded our focus to respond to the special dietary needs and preferences of all people. We know every one of us is unique and can benefit from having tailored nutrition support. That’s why our new My Meals My Way app is a customizable nutrition tool designed for who you are, what you need, and to empower you to choose food for healthier eating in practical ways that work best for you.
Our products are different – they are not food or calorie trackers – they help you plan ahead. The focus is on your health, not specifically weight loss. They provide an easy to use system that helps you plan healthy, balanced meals tailored to your preferences; share meals and shopping lists with your people; and bring you the benefits of vibrant nutritional health!